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Monday, December 6, 2010

Blogger for Life??

Can't believe this could be my last ever blog post! I remember back when we first got this assignment the thought of blogging freaked me out, but I've come to like it now.

I can see how people can become addicted to it, but I can also see how people make great money out of it.

It a great way of doing business as Blogging shrinks the world. It brings communication to a new level on the internet. The blog is so very popular these days that millions of people are talking to one another through their blogs right this very moment. It is a fantastic platform by which marketers are able to reach out to millions of potential buyers on the internet.

My over all blogging experience has shown me just how easy blogging is and opened my eyes for the future, because blogging seems to be the way forward.

On July 31st  2006, Technorati tracked its 50 millionth blog. The blogosphere is doubling about once every 6 and a half months about 175,000 new weblogs are created each day, there are more than two blogs created each second of each day
about 1.6 Million postings per day, or about 18.6 posts per second.

So maybe this won't be my last blog post after all…you will all just have to wait and see ;)

But for now Happy Christmas everyone and hope you all have a great time.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEz2LDdb7I0&feature=share This is a Christmas song my sister and her friend wrote have a listen, it will get you into the Christmas spirit :)


  1. just posted the same title as yours...great posts keep it up!

  2. Thanks :) I might just do that, if I get some time to write that is ha ha!
